100-strong Thames Bridges Trek team raise £40,000!

The Ultra Challenge event, which took place on Saturday, saw supporters of the charity zigzag their way over 16 of London’s most historic bridges, in aid of the local Kingston-based children’s charity, that supports families whose children have cancer or a life challenging condition.
The event was also an opportunity to raise awareness and funds during the annual, global Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, which uses a gold ribbon as its symbol of recognition. Using the hashtag #Hold4Gold, the charity is encouraging supporters across South West London, Surrey and Sussex to hold their own event during September, and the Thames Bridges Trek team promoted this with a huge, group hand-holding celebration before they embarked on their walk!
Amongst those taking part in Saturday’s trek were the Taylor Family from Isleworth, with over thirty friends and family members. Their son Rory was diagnosed with cancer in April 2018. His mum Jo explained, “I am so thrilled to be joining in the Thames Trek in aid of Momentum Children’s Charity. They have been a constant support since Rory’s diagnosis, bringing some essential light relief during our darkest times, and my family and I can’t thank them enough! I hope to raise as much money as possible so that the charity can continue to help families like mine for many years to come.”
Another participant was Caroline Driscoll from Claygate, whose son Thomas sadly died in 2011 aged just 12 years. Caroline, who is a regular volunteer at the charity along with Thomas’s younger brother Jack, said, “Momentum Children’s Charity caught us when we were falling and were just like a comfort blanket when all in the world seemed difficult. It is an honour to be a volunteer and a great joy to know that other children and families will be helped thanks to all the fundraising from this event.”
Every day in the UK, 12 children like Rory and Thomas are diagnosed with cancer.
The team of walkers also included charity volunteers, nurses from the charity’s partner hospitals and other families who have benefitted from the charity’s tailormade, holistic support programme which includes therapy services, experiences and respite breaks.
Momentum Children’s Charity Founder and Chief Executive was also proud to complete the challenge: “I felt incredibly proud and humbled to walk alongside 99 of our wonderful supporters, to honour the brave local children we look after and raise funds as part of our #Hold4Gold campaign during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The blisters that our team are suffering today are so minor compared to the challenges that face so many young cancer patients, and this is what kept the whole team going throughout the tough 25 km trek.”
The event is the largest mass-participation challenge arranged by Momentum Children’s Charity in 2019, and many of those who took part were also doing so to celebrate the organisation’s 15th anniversary year.
To make a donation to Momentum Children’s Charity during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, text HOLDFORGOLD to 70085 to donate £10*.
* Texts cost your standard message rate plus the £10 donation