Organised by our bereavement support team, Echoes, the evening was a chance to connect with other dads who have been through similar experiences, share memories of their children, as well as offering each other support and advice in a safe environment.

Five dads who attended the event at the virtual golf experience, where they enjoyed playing the interactive games, with a little gentle competition. There was the chance to play 9 or 18 holes on world-renowned courses without leaving the comfort of the London venue.

Everyone enjoyed socialising over some beers or soft drinks of their choice. The Golf Groove very kindly provided the games at a special rate – a big thank you to them for doing this and for being so warm and helpful to everyone.

It was wonderful to welcome three dads who hadn’t attended any Momentum events previously.  Everyone got along really well, and the dads have now created their own WhatsApp chat as another way to communicate, share connections, and reach out to each other.

Find out more about our Echoes service here