Quite a coffee morning!

This week, Claire Prescott, Chair of Charity Committee and her husband Charles, very generously welcomed members of the congregation into their home for a coffee and cake morning.
The event saw more than 40 wonderful people come through their door, and each and every one of them kindly made donations to Momentum in a variety of ways. A raffle featured over 20 prizes, and a selection of beautiful scarves and glamorous jewellery were on sale, along with plenty of delicious cakes and home-baked sweet treats available in return for a donation. The morning raised more than £600 – incredible!
Every person in attendance had a genuine interest in finding out more about Momentum, which is testament to the hard work Claire and her team at the church have put in to raising awareness of our work in the local area. Thank you Christ the Prince of Peace, your partnership is extraordinary.
It is all-go for the fantastic church committee, as this weekend, Saturday 20 April, they are undertaking a 15-mile walk along the Wey Navigation Channel to Guildford. Fancy taking part? Email