Dads monthly meet up

Organised by our bereavement support team, Echoes, the meal was an opportunity to talk to other dads who have been through similar experiences, share memories of their children, as well as offering each other support and advice when needed.
Kindly hosted by the wonderful team at Poor Boys, the four dads who met up tucked into a feast of fiery chicken, beef and shrimp.
Rob, one of the dads who attended the event said: “Roughly once a month, a group of dads meet for a meal and the odd beer. We all know we have something tragic in common, even though we may not have met before, and may not feel comfortable about talking openly about our mental challenges following our bereavement. However, it isn’t long until the conversation leads to an anecdote cropping up, a memory, and then a smile or two as we all reflect inwardly (and sometimes outwardly) on our own experiences. “
Rob continued: “Sharing these moments is not for everyone. It is not going to solve our inner pain. Grief grips people in different ways and the healing process is a long and winding road. But it goes some way to know that by talking, or at least being around others who have faced similar heartbreak in losing a child, we are not alone. Thank you, Momentum, for enabling this conversation to continue. We always welcome new dads to share their story – and some chicken.”
A huge thank you to the team at Poor Boys for your ongoing support – it means so much.
Find out more about our Echoes service here