Epsom Dad is on his way on an epic bike ride from Helsinki to Epsom in memory of son

Sam and his family were supported by Momentum when Sepp was undergoing treatment for cancer at Epsom Hospital. Sepp was just 11 months old when he was diagnosed with ATRT cancer, a rare brain tumour.
He was a wonderful little boy – Sepp had such a kind soul. He was sensitive and shy but warmed up once he was familiar with people. As a family, we are slowly coming to terms with the loss of Sepp. His death has left a massive hole in our hearts, and my cycling challenge is the first step in the grieving process. Even before Sepp passed away, I had decided I was going to do a fundraising event in his memory, and as a keen cyclist it was always destined that this event would involve two wheels. I wanted a challenge and a route that was unique, and that is what I have created.
Momentum have been vital in helping us cope with the hardest, most stressful situation we’ve faced in our lives -in fact it’s been just as crucial as the treatment Sepp received to fight cancer. Hospital staff, local authorities or Government do not have the resources to help families like ours with emotional and practical support, so it is essential that organisations like Momentum can continue to be there. They offer support at the hospital and at home and have also helped us to access professional counselling too.”
Bianca Effemey, Founder and CEO of Momentum Children’s Charity said: “The scale of the challenge Sam is undertaking is colossal and has required uncountable hours of intense training. Losing a child is probably the hardest thing anyone could go through and I am sure it has taken a huge amount of courage for Sam to take this on whilst grieving the loss of beautiful little Sepp. He has set himself an enormous £50,000 fundraising target so we’d like everyone to get behind Sam, show your support and sponsor him. Every penny makes a huge difference to our charity and will help us to continue being there for local families of seriously ill children.”