It’s Payroll Giving Month – get involved if you can!

Payroll Giving (sometimes known as Give as You Earn) is an easy and tax-efficient way of making regular donations to charity straight from your gross pay. By donating to charity from your gross pay it means there is no income tax liability on your donation, and you will pay less tax.
Put simply, a 20% taxpayer could donate £10 to charity, with just £8 being deducted from their net pay. For taxpayers with higher rates of income, this saving is even greater.
There are also many benefits for employers too – Payroll Giving and matched contributions can be offset against profits, reducing corporation tax bills. The value of Payroll Giving extends beyond finances – employees are more engaged when they see their organisation aligning with their values, and customers respond positively to businesses that prioritise social responsibility.
For Momentum Children’s Charity, Payroll Giving transforms lives by providing families of seriously ill children with consistent, life-changing support. It’s more than just a donation – it’s an investment in trust, stability, and long-term impact.
A wonderful corporate partner of ours actively encouraged their staff to be involved in Payroll Giving. Talking about the scheme, they said: “We really encourage our staff to be involved with payroll giving as it has many benefits. It encourages employee engagement, it empowers our staff to be involved with the charity that they really care about, and it demonstrates our commitment to the community. It is easy and simple to donate as it comes directly from your salary, and its tax free. You can give as little or as much as you like, and it allows Momentum to plan ahead and focus on their objectives for the year.”
Victoria Futcher, Corporate Fundraising Manager at Momentum said: “Payroll Giving is so important to Momentum – knowing that there are monthly donations coming every four weeks makes an enormous difference to relatively small charities like ours. Currently, 79% of our Payroll Givers come from one corporate partner. There couldn’t be an easier way to fundraise for a cause that means a lot to our supporters. Please do come on board if you can, with your help we can continue to be there for every family that needs us. A huge thank you to everyone who is already supporting us through this initiative.”
Payroll Giving is usually set up through the payroll department within the company you work for. If you have any questions about Payroll Giving or need some advice on getting set up, please contact / 020 8974 5931