Momentum Children’s Charity scores a hole-in-one at annual golf day

The competition was won by team ‘Four x Fore’ supported by former Sky News presenter Jeremy Thompson. Close on their heels in second place, were ‘Fore Crying Out Loud’ playing with former Wimbledon champion Peter Fleming. In third place came the Richmond Golf Club team, which included Captain Tamsin Loke, Rob Hunter and Brad Berwick, playing with actor John Peters, who is also the Secretary of the Stage Golfing Society. Actor Gwilym Lee won the Longest Drive competition and Nearest the Pin was achieved with an incredible hole-in-one from Mike Bailey – who headed up the Pinnacle Team.
The fundraising included selling Mulligan flags, a raffle and auction of donated prizes.
Thank you to all the players who joined us on the day, the celebrities from the Stage Golfing Society and of course to our volunteers who helped make this day a success. Special mention must be made of Brendan Howell, Golf Professional at Horton Park Golf Club, for his support and to our sponsor Air Charter Service, who played a great game.
Bianca Effemey, Founder CEO
The date for Momentum’s Golf Day next year will be Friday 27th May 2022.