Old Vicarage School

They raised this amazing amount mainly through a entrepreneurial challenge. Pupils in Years 3-6 were asked at the end of October 2015 to either borrow or provide their own £5 and use the money to buy the makings for something that they could sell such as the ingredients for cupcakes or card for bookmarks. They were then to sell their product out of school and use the proceeds to make more things to sell, repeating this process to see how much they could turn their £5 into. They were given until the end of February to complete their challenge. Ideas included a create your own Valentine’s day present stall and various baking projects.
We were so impressed with the girls’ efforts. They have been incredibly creative and enthusiastic. They have cooked, sewed and made a vast array of things. They have sold their wares in offices, at fairs, in businesses and on the streets of London. It has been a joy to watch them use their own time and resources to help others.
Karen Robinson, the teacher who came up with the challenge.