Our main charity film

This film showcases who we are and what we do, told with the help of some of the families we have supported.

Our Coronavirus Crisis Appeal film

Like many other charities, we faced huge financial losses when the impact of the coronavirus pandemic meant major fundraising activities were stopped in their tracks. The pandemic didn’t stop children being diagnosed with cancer and other life-challenging conditions, and the isolation of shielding and normal support networks being unreachable meant the families we supported needed us more than ever.

Berkeley homes and Alfie’s story 2016

Golden Bus Trip to Legoland 2015

We hosted a wonderful trip to Legoland Windsor Resort on a golden bus (kindly loaned by Arriva) as a special pre-Christmas treat for some of the families we support.


Momentum Children talk about Cancer

A little girl called Roxanne, expressed a wish to make a film to help other children undergoing treatment for cancer. So we invited a small group of children to get together for a special ‘Circle Time’, to share some of their experiences whilst they were ill.

Momentum Children’s Charity film 2013

This film was made by the Media Trust for us back in 2012. It is presented by our Ambassador Phil Glenister. Film directed by Gavin Toomey.

Tudor Morris Momentum Appeal 2013

Tudor Morris swam the Channel to raise funds for Momentum Children’s Charity. Film directed by David Skynner.


Tudor Morris animated film

Tudor Morris has studied art at Bristol and made this remarkable animated film about his first hand experience of having cancer as a young teenager. He also took on an exceptional fundraising challenge for us by swimming the English Channel and raising over £16,000.
