Owls make a flying visit to Kingston Hospital

Alan, who has been volunteering for the charity for more than eight years, spent time telling children all about his owls and encouraging them to stroke and hold the birds. Gizmo, a Scops owl, Molly a Siberian Eagle-owl, and Mo (named after Momentum) a Tawny owl, made their way to the South-West London hospital for the special visit.
Around 10 children and their families spent time with the owls in the garden of the Paediatric department, offering a welcome escape from the stresses and strains that can come with having a child who is unwell.
Momentum’s mascot is an owl – the birds symbolise wisdom, protection, and strength – qualities the charity hopes it brings to the families they support.
Khadijah, whose son Noah spent time with the owls said: “Being in hospital can be very intense and stressful, and events like this give children like Noah the opportunity to have a welcome break from that environment. Children were able to engage in interactive play with the owls, which also has therapeutic and sensory benefits, as well as providing memories that last forever. Noah really loved meeting the owls and was intrigued by them – he was so focussed and lost in the moment, it was lovely to watch. It was also educational as Alan (the Falconer) told the children all about the owls. A big thank you to Alan for visiting the children at Kingston hospital.”
Falconer and Momentum volunteer, Alan Greenhalgh said: “Youngsters, including siblings of unwell children, find real comfort from the birds, particularly the owls. I absolutely love seeing the children’s faces light up when they are around the birds, it brings me so much joy to know that doing something that I have such a passion for is making a difference to families who are going through so much. I have shed many tears during my time with the charity – both happy and sad.”
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