Summer brings sunshine to Momentum office

Momentum is a charity close to Summer’s heart as we supported her family when she was going through treatment for Leukaemia. Thankfully, Summer successfully completed her treatment in March this year after battling the disease twice.
Talking about her day at the Momentum office Summer said: “Momentum has been a big part of my life for years and I wanted to get to know how the charity works. I learnt how to organise my time and prioritise tasks. The best part of the day was making all the care packages – I enjoyed seeing what goes into them, and knowing they were going to families like mine gave it even more significance.”
Summer continued: “I have only seen Momentum from my own perspective when I was in hospital, so it was nice to see the other things they do for so many families across different hospitals. In the future I hope to be able to help families and children that have been through similar experiences to me. I know how important it is to have support when you have a life-threatening illness. To anyone thinking of volunteering for Momentum I would say DO IT! Everyone was so friendly and made me feel welcome.”
Sophie, our Family Respite Services Manager said: “Summer was brilliant – she loves organising and did a wonderful job packing 100 hospital overnight bags. She also helped me with some decorations and clues for our upcoming treasure hunts on the boat and at the marina. Thank you, Summer!”
Find out more about volunteering with Momentum here