We celebrate a Jubilee moment at the Bentalls Centre
- Hospital partnerships

Over the Jubilee weekend we took ourselves off to the Bentalls Centre in Kingston to make bunting to put up in the children’s wards at Kingston Hospital. Many of the children we support spend a lot of time in hospital, missing out on special events, birthdays, and holidays. We aim to help families make the most of time spent in hospital and this was one small way we could brighten up the Jubilee weekend for those stuck on the children’s ward and unable to attend street parties or other jubilee celebrations.
We set up a craft stall with the help of crafting queens Anne and Catherine from Handmade Creative Workshops, who volunteered their time to help families passing through the shopping centre make bunting.
The stall was a great success, with hundreds of triangle flags decorated with glitter and gems, corgis and crowns, felt tip pens and special messages of support for children undergoing treatment. We ended up with over 35 meters of bunting made up and also raised £287.97 in donations.
The bunting went down a storm with children and staff and has helped brighten up the Dolphin and Sunshine wards as well as in Paediatric Outpatients for the Jubilee Weekend.
Jamie Patel, Senior Paediatric Practice Development Nurse at Kingston Hospital said:
“We have been celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on the children’s wards this weekend and the bunting brought in by Momentum Children’s Charity made by children and their families has been a really lovely addition to the environment, enjoyed by the patients and all the staff as well.”

Celebrating Queen Elizabeth II’s 70 years of service was also a fitting end to volunteers week, as we have so many volunteers who offer their service to make community events like these happen all year round. Thank you to all our volunteers, we simply could not do what we do without you!
For those interested in signing up as a volunteer please take a look at volunteering pages here.