Woodland and animal themed isolation rooms

Two more Isolation Rooms have been refurbished at St Peter’s Hospital. The colourful artwork can be seen in two isolation rooms on Ash Ward. Featuring jungle animals in one room and woodland creatures in the other, this wonderful wall-art helps reduce stress and provides distractions for the many children who spend time in hospital.
One of the isolation rooms was funded by a family we support, Kate Wells and Kieran Charnock. As Kate explains, the children’s ward refurbishments made a huge difference to their daughter’s stay.
“The difference between being in a room refurbished by Momentum Children’s Charity and a plain white walled room is huge. Days in hospital can be very long, especially for a two-year-old. Being in a room full of colour and unique designs really sparked our daughter’s imagination and inspired me too! We stayed in the Jacqueline Wilson themed room and we were able to create stories about the characters. After seeing the difference that the room made to our daughter, we decided we wanted to give something back, and funding a room refurbishment was the obvious choice. It’s wonderful to think of all the children that will use the room and enjoy the designs in the future.”
The second Isolation Room features a woodland theme and was kindly funded by West Byfleet Golf Club. Woodland creatures add a colourful but calming environment, providing the perfect distraction for children spending long periods of time in the room.
Many oncology children spend long periods of time on the ward and the wall-art allows patients to escape into a wonderful world of jungle animals and woodland creatures”.
Jennifer Drummond, Matron for Ash Ward,
These two rooms were completed in October 2019.