Nora’s story

“I wasn’t expecting any abnormalities with Nora’s results and, although we knew there was always a possibility, it was a huge shock for all of us when we were given her cancer diagnosis. We were advised of the exact type of lymphoma during the same week lockdown began; hearing such difficult news during a pandemic and with all the uncertainty it brought with it, left us completely disorientated, which was made worse by the fact that both Nora and I had to shield and socially distance ourselves from loved ones.”
“We were referred to Momentum Children’s Charity in that first week and, to be honest, I wasn’t expecting or prepared for the level of support we would receive. This journey has been a huge learning curve for us, so it has been comforting to know that we can rely on the guidance and support from the team at Momentum whenever we need it. Gemma, our Family Support Worker, would often touch base to see how Nora and I were doing and have made some brilliant suggestions which have lifted Nora just when she has needed them most.”
Momentum Children’s Charity have been able to offer Latifa and Nora a variety of support by way of therapies trips and treats; working with them to identify what is most needed and when.
I think the most significant impact has been made by the music therapy sessions They’ve often left her on a high and full of energy. It never fails to put a smile on her face, and she is already making plans on how to put this to good use in the future.
Both Nora and Latifa have faced this extremely tough year with fortitude and positivity:
“Nora has shown incredible resilience and handled her diagnosis with unbelievable bravery. That’s not to say she doesn’t have the odd difficult day too, but we expect them, it’s important for her to know that she doesn’t have to be brave all the time and can cry too. We’ve got through the worst with help from friends, family, our medical team and the fantastic support of Momentum Children’s Charity”
Passionate to finish the year on a high (literally), Latifa decided to take on a whole new challenge to show her appreciation to the charity for giving Nora the drive to keep going. In September, on her birthday and during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, Latifa completed a sponsored wing walk; taking to the skies to do her #MilesforMomentum
“Nora and I made a pact during the second week of her diagnosis that we would show our gratitude and use the next couple of years to help charities that have worked towards making her better.
Momentum have blown me away by not only assisting children (and their families) with serious illness but also refurbishing paediatric wards.
“I signed up for the wing walk as I wanted to do something that would push me out of my comfort zone. Nora has spent several months in unknown territory and stunned me with her ability to adapt and deal with what was thrown at her with such resilience and strength, I felt I owed it to her to do something challenging (despite knowing that a wing walk was not a patch on what she and many other children are facing). It was an incredible experience that has made me fearless.”
Latifa raised a wonderful £2,295; vital funds which will help us to continue making sure no family with a seriously ill child has to cope alone.