Social work service

Ways we can help
Our social worker will work with you one-to-one to understand your personal situation and can help with:
- Money problems, accessing grants, welfare benefits, paying bills, and support with debt solutions
- Disability Living Allowance and Personal Independence Payment claims
- Blue Badge Application
- Housing difficulties, in relation to your child’s diagnosis, give you advice and information
- Advise on education for children with health needs, and liaise with your child’s school, where needed
- Write a letter of support to your employer and signpost to specialist employment support, where needed
- Advocate on your behalf with other professionals, local authorities and/or organisations to make sure your voice is heard
- Signpost or refer you to other relevant services/organisation that can give additional support
How to access the social work service
Please speak with your designated Family Support Worker who can refer you into our specialist social work service.