Family wellbeing

It’s normal to struggle with all the emotions that come with having a seriously ill child; every family member will be affected, and everyone will deal with their feelings differently. Your Family Support Worker will work with you and your hospital care team so that they can easily identify when, and how to, help each of you at any given time, offering you access to our wide range of services and advice.
Support groups
We also offer opportunities for families to attend support groups with one of our Family Support Workers. Being able to share your worries with other parents can be a powerful way to help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Other Services
Where the Family Support Worker identifies a need based on their ongoing assessment with each Momentum family, we can also look at funding therapeutic support such a specialist counselling with trained therapists for the adults and older children, and creative therapies for the little ones. Through play, music and art, they can explore their worries and discover how to express their feelings in a way that feels intuitive to them.